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© 2014
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KodTwór uczy dzieci i dorosłych co nieco o programowaniau w Javascript!Zabawa jest prosta. Podążaj za instrukcjami KodTwora. Jeśli utkniesz to przeskocz do następnego kroku. Zawsze możesz wrócić!
Kliknij na guziku Cofnij jeśli chesz przejść do wcześniejszego kroku. Jeśli za bardzo namieszasz kliknij guzik reset aby odświeżyć obszar z kodem.
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Code Monster from Crunchzilla is live Javascript programming for fun. The focus is on action. Code changes immediately yield visible results.Projects start with simple boxes and colors, rapidly progressing into exciting experiments with simple animation and fractals. Important programming concepts like variables, loops, conditionals, expressions, and functions are introduced by example.
Code Monster is a gentle and fun introduction to programming concepts. It is a first step in learning to program. It is not intended to teach all of computer science and programming.
Code Monster is based in Seattle, WA. It is part of the Crunchzilla suite of game and educational projects developed by Geeky Ventures.
Terms of Use
Code Monster from Crunchzilla is a website provided by Geeky Ventures. In order to use the Site, you must accept the terms set forth below. If you are a minor, your parent or guardian must accept the terms and full responsibility for your use of the website. THESE TERMS OF SERVICE CONSTITUTE A BINDING LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND GEEKY VENTURES. BY USING THE WEBSITE, YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS.The website HTML, text, images, audio, video, software or other content that is made available on this website are the property of Geeky Ventures or its content suppliers. Before you use this content in some way please take care to ensure that you have the relevant rights and permissions. You are welcome to display on your computer, download and print pages from this website for personal, educational and non-commercial use only.
THE WEBSITE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". Your use of this website is at your own risk. Geeky Ventures disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability and fitness of a particular purpose. Geeky Ventures disclaims liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary, punitive or other damages, or lost profits, that may result directly or indirectly from the use of the website. This includes, without limitation, any damage to computer systems, hardware or software, loss of data, or any other performance failures, any errors, bugs, viruses or other defects that result from, or are associated with the use of this website.
Geeky Ventures may modify this agreement at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately.
Privacy Policy
Code Monster is extremely protective of privacy. Code Monster keeps almost no information about people who use the website.Code Monster does not require registration. It does not have your e-mail address. It does not know who you are. When you use Code Monster, you are essentially anonymous.
Code Monster does not use cookies. If you leave the website and come back, there is a feature that will get you back to the lesson you were on. That does not use cookies. It is done using HTML5 Local Storage, which stores data on your machine, not remotely on the webservers. Code Monster does not even know what lesson you were on or how many lessons people using Code Monster have completed, and it is a bit of a shame that we do not, but that is how seriously we take privacy.
Like nearly all websites, Code Monster has web server logs that may contain the IP address used to access the web server. That is standard in nearly all webservers and not an attempt at data collection.
In keeping with standard language in privacy policies, personally identifiable information will not be disclosed to a third party unless required by law and we may update this policy from time to time at our sole discretion.
We are very protective of your privacy. We like it that way.
Code Monster can be reached at monster@crunchzilla.comCode Monster would love to hear your suggestions for how he can teach better. Code Monster no like complaints, but you can send them to Code Monster too, and he'll eat them up -- yum, yum! -- with his big nasty pointy teeth.
Code Monster from Crunchzilla is a product of Geeky Ventures. Geeky Ventures is based in Seattle, WA.
Old Browser Warning
Oh my. Code Monster no like your web browser. Your browser old. You need new browser.Code Monster like Chrome and Firefox. You can play with Code Monster with those. Go get 'em and let's play!
If you want to try to use Code Monster anyway, go ahead and try, but Code Monster probably no come out to play. Your web browser scary. Me no likey.